
An Insurance Company

Health Insurance

Amidst all the wealth and riches we have, we sometimes tend to forget that health is the most important asset to us, and once it is lost, no real wealth means much. God forbids, but we may fall prey to some sudden sickness.

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Motor Insurance

Insurance for a motor vehicle like car, provides protection against loss in the event of an accident, theft, etc. We provide competitive quotes as we have tie ups with almost all major insurance companies.

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Life Insurance

Life insurance is a protection against the loss of income that would result if the insured passed away.Life insurance is a protection against the loss of income that would result if the insured passed away.

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Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is a type of coverage designed to protect travelers from potential risks and unexpected events while traveling. It can offer financial protection for various situations such as trip cancellations, medical emergencies, lost luggage, or travel delays.

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Claim Assistance

Free Consultation to the family of Deceased in completing their papers with any Financial Institution with regards to the Claim because we know what it takes.

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SAS Policy Value Hub Services Pvt.Ltd